Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Spaghetti Bridge:Changes and Hints

Yo watts up me homies.

No changes.

Hints: The only thing that I can think of is that if you want to strengthen your bridge, ground up some grams of spaghetti until it is like a powder, then mix it with glue, making it a paste. Use this on the intersecting pieces of your bridge to make it stronger.

Thats All Foks

(Video done by Josh Kitto)

Spaghetti Bridge: Design

   Yo watts up me homies? this is Burger here with your random physics blog. Today were going to talk about the spaghetti bridges design. this was the only deturmining factor for if you win or not. With our bridge we used a lot of diagnel support, cirrus-cross, and beams for our support. The person that designed this spectacular bridge was Ruben.

(Photo taken By Mr. Bertram)

Spaghetti Bridges: What was rewarding?

    Yo watts up me homies? Its Burger here with my random physics blog. For the past month me and a skilled team of experts (my class mates) wanted to see who could build the strongest bridge out of spaghetti. Out of 11 teams my team was the one that won (ovy). But I really didn't have much to do with the bridge so I cant take a lot of credit for it. Every team worked hard on there bridges even when problems came up and that is commendable. We all had a good time and that was rewarding.

My team and friends

Monday, 19 December 2011

New Mouse Hot Rod

Yo, watts up hommies this is my random physics blog here and I got to thinking: What would I do the same or do differently if I had to design a new mouse trap vehicle?

Well here you  go:
  • it would remain a tricycle.
  • the front wheel would be bigger to the rest of the vehicles wheels.
  • the trap would be set up differently.
  • and finally i would put some pinstripes on it.(SICK)

Things we could do differently

I dont know excatly what I would do differently but if we could find a way I would modify it so it could go more than just a stinking three meters.mabey add a string that could grip better to the axel, or mabey different wheels. All these are cool ideas, but there are many different advantiges and disadvantiges with the design a yours and my mouse trap vehicle.

Friday, 16 December 2011


Thank u for looking at my blog.
Please leave comments.

 We took out the competition each time and left them in our dust.(no offense to my class mates, there cool)

Distance race ( we sucked at this )

Don't Laugh

This wasn't exactly the proudest moment for our group but we were happy it still went 4 Meters.
( 3.8 to be exact)